10 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE A RABBIT THEY ARE SILENT: For those who like to be quiet these are the correct pets for you they don't make a sound they like to be quite and calm. THEY ARE SMART: Rabbits are really smart and they learn everything fast it is easy to litter train them and they can learn tricks easily unlike other pets THEY USE A LITTER BOX: Rabbits use litter box to pee and poop so you don't have to take them out for walks like dogs. THEY ARE LOW MAINTENANCE: Unlike cats and dogs rabbits are low maintenance you can kind of DIY everything they need like toys, beds,chewtoys,tunnels etc., If you are living in urban areas it is more easy because you don't have to buy grass or hay it is easily available THEY ARE LOYAL: Once a rabbit trusts you they are very loyal and friendly with you THEY ARE REALLY CUTE: Rabbits are really adorable. they make some cute gestures which makes your heart melt . Just looking at them gives you peace YOU DON'T HAVE TO BATHE T...